About Econello.com

Here you can read more about how Econello.com works and why to choose us.

This is Econello.com

Econello.com is an independent comparison service that will help you find the very best prices and conditions when it comes to your personal finance. Our goal is to help you create a better (and richer) everyday life by gathering everything you may need in terms of personal finance in the same place.

Why spend time comparing companies and prices yourself when we can do everything for you? There are so much more fun things in life to spend time and energy on. At least we Econello.com think so.

Compare all companies - not just those we cooperate with

Econello.com want to offer our visitors the most accurate comparison in terms of loans, credit cards, savings, insurance, electricity contracts and mobile subscriptions. Therefore, we have chosen to include all companies in our comparison, not only those we cooperate with. We know how annoying it can be when comparison sites choose to only include companies that they earn money from.

No, we want to create trust between us and our visitors so they know they can count on Econello.com. We formed this services based on what we ourselves would like to use if we were looking for a cheap loan or a favorable insurance.

  • Econello.com is completley free to use. You will see immediate results without any registration.
  • We offer comprehensive comparisons including all lenders on the market, not just those we cooperate with.
  • Find the cheapest loan, quick and easy. We always show the cheapest loan rate first in our comparison list.
  • We also offer lists of credit cards, where you can choose what kind of credit card you are looking for and read more about its benefits.
  • Start saving money today at a high saving rate. Econello.com helps you find the most favorable saving accounts.
  • You will also find mobile subscriptions, electricity contracts, insurance and much more that can improve your finances.

Comparing is simple - and can save you a lot of money

Comparing loans, credit cards or savings accounts at Econello.com is easy. All you have to do is to:

  • Enter how much you want to borrow, what credit limit you are looking for or how much you want to save.
  • Sort your search with selected filters. This allows you to get more detailed results (for example, if you are only looking for interest-free loans, savings accounts with deposit guarantee or credit card with travel insurance). But of course you do not need to filter if you do not want to.
  • Click the "Compare Now" button and the results that match your search will appear in the list below.
  • Choose the option that suits you best and apply through the companies own website.

By comparing options, chances are that you will find conditions that suits you and you can also save a lot of money every year. And, if you would find a loan, savings account or credit card that you are pleased with, please leave a review on the company's page here at Econello.com. That way you can help others make the same choices as you just did!